Research is a fundamental driving force employed to achieving the University’s mission of leading educational reform in Nigeria and a global educational institution.
The University’s Research Management Office coordinates and manages conduct of research activities of its researchers.
The Research Management Office serves as the administrative support office for the University researchers. The office operates under the Directorate of Research and Innovation.

Roles of RMO Menu
The roles of the Research Management Office include the following:
- Promotion of the mission and vision of the Founder of the University in relation to research;
- Liaise with the University Research and Innovation Committee (URIC) on the implementation of the University research policy under overall supervision of the Director of Research;
- Coordinate with the Grants Office in supporting Researchers’ grants application processes for both international and local funding;
- Facilitation of ethical conduct of research in the University;
- Selection, compilation and use of journal list and output citation analysis;
- Provide enlightenment to researchers on choice of open access publication channels and avenues for enhancing researcher visibility;
- Analysis of collaboration networks and identification of external collaborative funding opportunities.
- Collaboration with relevant units in identifying, developing, protecting, and marketing the University’s Intellectual Property and promoting knowledge transfer networks with the private sector;
- Provision of quarterly report to the Vice Chancellor through the office of Director of Research and Innovation on activities of the Research Management Office;
- Execution of research related activities as may be assigned by the Director of Research.